Multimedia journalist

I'm a Spanish multimedia journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Mexico City.
I’m currently the global head of video of the Associated Press Climate & Environment team, overseeing spot news and in-depth features. I also continue to shoot and edit stories, and one of my videos covering the climate talks in Egypt was a finalist for the Covering Climate Journalism Awards.
Before the AP I was a multi format journalist for the Spanish newspaper El Pais in Mexico, where I covered a wide range of stories, from migrant caravans to presidential elections and environmental issues.
Our project 'Southern Border: America’s Unknown Border,' in collaboration with El Faro, was recognized in 2020 by the Gabriel Garcia Marquez Foundation as Best Coverage in 2021 and by the LATAM Digital Media Awards as Best Digital Journalism Project.
Previously I was the head of video of the AP in Mexico and a New York correspondent for the Spanish news agency EFE.
My debut short documentary Kemonito: The Final Fall (2022), was selected at over a dozen festivals worldwide, including Doc Edge Festival, San Francisco Documentary Festival, Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival and Guanajuato International Film Festival.